ज्योतिष सेवा सदन "झा शास्त्री "{मेरठ उत्तर प्रदेश }

निःशुल्क ज्योतिष सेवा ऑनलाइन रात्रि ८ से९ जीमेल पर [पर्तिदिन ]

रविवार, 3 फ़रवरी 2013

"Please think of the place of residence?"

"Please think of the place of residence?"Residence is everybody's wish. Konnsi Kunhu direction of the residence, and where the bike will surely do it all. - Place of residence architectural} {stated in the scriptures. - Location Blbti Rajan? Who finished the stronger meaning location are very strong.
Let us give you some tips to building or place ---?{1} - Aries - the users - the north part of the city or land or houses should not take first place.{2} - Taurus - Gemini Leo and Capricorn Rashiwalon central part of the city or area of ​​land or houses are not excessive ness ..{3} - Taurus and Gemini people - not Vsen in the central part of the plot.{4} - Scorpio people - not Vsen east part of the plot.{5} - Pisces people - Do not plot Agnikoon residence.{6} - not Vsen Virgo people in the south part of the plot.{7} - Narity crab angle, ie the South and West of the people of the land do not take up residence in the angle. {8} - Sagittarius people do not live in the west part of the plot.{9} - Libra people of the north and west of the plot, ie the angle of aerial angle not take place. {10} - Aries people do not take place in the north part of the plot.{11} - Aquarius northeast ie people not to take residence in the north and east.Sincerely applicant "JH Sastry" Meerut. -09,897,701,636 Contact + 09,358,885,616

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